Friday, October 02, 2009

It is going to be 2am...

It's been awhile that I've blogged...
I do have several pictures in my handphone but am just too lazy to transfer it into my lappy...
Hehe will do so when I am not that lazy.
Been spending 2-3 days reading a manga online.
It's a quite long and ongoing manga by Obata Yuuki called 'We were there'....

I thought it has been completed but seems like it's still ongoing till now from year 2002.
That is a damn long duration to actually come up with 12-13 Volumes of manga. AND still ONGOING....

Mangas are not junk... they are like the everyday movies you watched in cinemas... except perhaps this is in comic forms. Depends on what kinda manga of course. There are kiddish manga but there are adults/teenagers manga. Well people might still find it a trash no matter how I want to defend it. Just my view though. A person should not judge unless he/she has read it.

It is definitely one of her best manga/storyline... I felt so sad and depressed when I read it...
AM still depressed while awaiting the next release. It's gonna be a long story before it ends. Sometimes I'm amazed how these people could come up with such ideas of the storylines. Perhaps some were from experience from oneself or another person. This book is about love stories. That is why it is so sad. One can never be sure whether such stories exists in real life or not. After all... there are so many types of problems. It might be true for the person who went through it and not true to others.

I am crapping out my ideas because I am still depressed and dissatisfied... haha... I want to continue reading the next chapter now!!! @_@
I am too relaxed for a final year. I still have so many work in line but I can still spend few days to read manga and etc.

Oh well.. wasting time is one of my specialty. =X


Anonymous said...

so agree with you... i hate those who takes manga as simple comics.. its definitely better n not comical than superman or chinese comics [no offense]

Pinky said...

haha... thx. just dont know why people's perception is always like that. i mean they dont read it but they straight away categorize it as childish. diff ppl have diff interests. so they dont have the right to judge what others like.